Launch Party

A big Thank You to Lizzabeth A for hosting our product launch! I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have so many wonderful supporters in my life! When I was "tossing about" the idea to start a new business, my friend Laurie gave me a book by Kobi Yamada titled "What do you do with an Idea?" I love this little story book and I keep it on my cabinet behind my desk. It has inspired me during the past year as I worked to define "the idea".  Thanks to everyone who came out for "the idea" launch! 

Here we are at the store.....these are classmates from design school at Philadelphia University.  Lucky me....they all moved to Portland to start new careers! 

The store front beautifully displayed by the staff at Lizzabeth A. 

Some products in the spotlight...

Shopping, shopping, shopping! 

Another beautiful display! 

Friends and customers that came all the way from Corvallis for the event! 


Store owner, Beth Forsythe visiting with customers....

Our studio assistant, Ben Kenison, demonstrating the printing process.....

The chair collaboration with upholsterer Cristen Sousa. 

Event planner, Abi Spofford (aka my daughter) and my wonderful hubby!